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In the match between Paris Saint-Germain and Milan, the match that is currently being held, the result of which indicates that the Parisian team advanced by two goals.
Kylian Mbappe and Randall Kolo Mwani in this match. The wonder happens with Ousmane Dembélé in the Champions League With Paris.
The unfortunate Dembélé scored a global goal against Milan and went and celebrated with madness and hysterical joy Because he scored his first goal for Paris Saint-Germain, but he was shocked by his colleague who denied him his credit.
Since his move from Barcelona to Paris, the French player has not scored a goal, and when he succeeded and scored a goal, it was cancelled Due to the interference of his colleague in the game, the French player is not having his best time with Paris, where he suffers from poor performance.

من Ahmed

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