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Today there was a match between Al Hilal Saudi Club and Al Khaleej Club within the 2024 Roshen League competitions.
Al Hilal was able to win the match with a goal from Serbian Alexander Mitrovic, so the Al Hilal leader continued to lead the tournament.
But away from the match, there is a scene that became the talk of the media, a scene that, to say the least, is a scandal that occurred between the Al Hilal coach and the Brazilian player, Michael. The coach replaced him in the 90th minute, so look what he did to him in front of the world.

The Brazilian player left the field with all anger and emotion, went to the bench and did strange things in front of the coaches
Who decided to surprise him with a strange reaction, the coach went to the player with all haste, and had it not been for the intervention of the assistant coach, there would have been a massacre between the players.

من Ahmed

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