Watch the Ecuadorian goalkeeper provoke Luis Diaz when he takes a penalty kick and celebrate afterwards in a crazy way

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In the match between the Ecuador national team and the Colombia national team, the match ended in a goalless draw between the two teams in a match
Within the South American qualifiers for the 2026 World Cup. In this match, the Ecuadorian goalkeeper innovates a new way to provoke players to save penalty kicks in the World Cup qualifiers.
Watch: Liverpool player Luis Diaz stands while taking the penalty kick for Colombia, so look what the Ecuadorian goalkeeper did.
Luis Diaz stood in extreme confusion after the goalkeeper left him a completely empty corner of the goal and he did not understand at what angle to shoot the ball.
The goalkeeper kept making acrobatic movements to provoke Diaz, distract him, and miss the kick. He actually succeeded in his smart plan and celebrated with his teammates in a crazy, hysterical, and unbelievable way.

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